Our Solutions
Accelerate your savings using Concept Libraries by Lyric.
The comprehensive, clinically based editing content can be individually licensed, so you can purchase what you need now, with the ability to purchase additional rules and policies as needed. For ClaimsXten (CXT) and ClaimsXten Select (CXT Select) customers.
The Lyric Knowledge Concept Library is available for ClaimsXten (CXT) and ClaimsXten Select (CXT Select) customers who need the flexibility to choose specific rules and policies that support their payment accuracy program goals.
Our Knowledge Concept Library is rigorously managed by our experienced clinical team, with updates released each quarter. Updates and changes to rules and policies are included in the license fee. Any new content created will be available to license when it is released.
Why choose rules from the Knowledge Concept Library?
Drive Savings
The Knowledge Concept Library can help to drive incremental savings through a specific selection of rules that fit your payment accuracy program goals—without the administrative burden of in-house policy development.
Currently, we offer policies related to:
Diagnosis code edits
Preventative services
Choose Individually
You can choose which to implement on an individual basis, maximizing the impact on your cost savings. Targeted rules can also help to identify and prevent overpayment, reducing the volume of claims that need to be reprocessed.